
Posts Tagged ‘Newton’

As far as I know this is the first of its kind at Prana Power Yoga Newton.  Prana is holding a weekend long juice cleanse, offering 4 different levels of participation.  I have mixed feelings on juice cleanses (I don’t know about you but I like to chew my food) so I am by no means advocating for it but I may in fact try a level myself. Details below:

PRANA CLEANSE Sept 12-14th at Prana Newton
levels 1, 2, 3, and 4

Friday, September 12th from 6-8pm
Saturday, September 13th from 1-4pm
Sunday, September 14th from 1-4pm

level 1: show up with an open mind and prepare to transform. Three days (Friday 2 hours, Saturday 3 hours, Sunday 3 hours): $125

level 2: eat fruit till 12 and then eat as you normally would after 12…Thursday through Sunday (Friday 2 hours, Saturday 3 hours, Sunday 3 hours): $125 (you buy your own fruit/food)

*This entails eating fruit all through the morning…not just an apple when you wake up!! So eat freely and joyfully. Here is a sample morning:

Upon waking: drink a large glass of high quality water with the juice of half of a lemon. Wait 30 minutes before eating any fruit.

after lemon water: Eat your favorite fruit–whatever is in season…for example, a fuji apple, a red pear, an orange, a banana, some pineapple, some raw coconut, an avocado…whatever you love!!

Then wait at least thirty minutes (45 minutes for a banana) and then eat some more fruit.

Please eat one fruit at at time (mono fruit) for optimal digestion and eat a lot of fruit–eating every thirty minutes, perhaps. Do not restrict.

At noon your body has finished cleansing for the morning (our body cleanses every morning so it is optimal to give it only easy to digest foods before noon), and you may eat as you normally would. Remember to chew well!!

level 3: three days (Friday 2 hours, Saturday 3 hours, Sunday 3 hours): $225

On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday you receive:

  • 2 green juices
  • 1 almond milk

On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday you eat fruit till 12:00 and then you juice fast for the remainder of the day, consuming what we provide.

We provide you with all you need!! 2 green juices and 1 almond milk per day.

level 4: three days (Friday 2 hours, Saturday 3 hours, Sunday 3 hours): $285

On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday you juice fast and we provide you with all you need each day:

  • 1 fruit smoothie
  • 1 almond milk
  • 3 green juices

Prana will provide all of the juice for your Juice Cleanse. You may pick it up at Prana Newton each morning in the fridge in the lobby. You will be given enough juice to drink all day long, so all you need to do is drink it, and relax.


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“Yoga doesn’t want to change you. Yoga just wants you to be happy.”

Hello Om La La readers! I’d like to announce that I am going to start posting a Monday yoga quote each week to get you all off to a good start! Today’s quote comes from Jacqui Bonwell’s Sunday class from Prana Power Yoga in Newton, MA.

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For all of you yogis that are fans of New York’s Prana Power Yoga in our own Union Square, I highly recommend getting yourselves to the Newton studio if you’re ever traveling in the Boston area. With big windows and bright studio colors this space lends itself to bigger classes that are consistently filled and consistently hot. If you are in the area, drop in on Alex Amorosi’s power hour or a full class led by Heather Rems, or Jacqui Bonwell.


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