
Posts Tagged ‘Union Square’

I took another one of Julia’s classes this evening at Prana Power Yoga in Union Square. Another tough class- this time a faster paced sequence. She did not let up despite the intense heat wave we’re experiencing. The class was wonderful and the intensity level with the heat was exciting and energizing. Julia often speaks of how hard it can be to get to your mat, but once you’re on it you feel like you’re home. Today was certainly a hard day to take the mat but I was so happy once I was on it and sweating buckets.

However, a word of caution when it comes to working out in high levels of heat and humidity…made sure you stay hydrated + add an extra dash of salt to your diet for replenishment. I urge everyone out there who is exercising at their usual rate of intensity in this heat wave to take into consideration a few tips and tricks:

1. Drink up! (Water that is)… smart water is great for that added electrolyte replenishment.

2. Eat smaller meals more frequently- you may feel as if you’re less hungry in high temperatures but your body still needs the energy. Fruit is great because it helps with the hydration.

3. Wear breathable, loose cotton clothing.

4. Wear sunscreen if you’re practicing outdoors.

5. Consider moving your workout earlier or later to catch cooler parts of the day.

6. Consider the amount of work you did the day before- your body may need extra time to recover from workouts in extreme temperatures.

7. If you’re taking medication talk to a doctor as some may affect you differently in the heat (e.g. cause you to dehydrate faster.)

8. Most importantly, listen to your body. Take a break if you need one or ease up if you have to- no reason to force a breakthrough on a particularly hot day if it means risking injury or illness!

…the one great thing about hot yoga in the hot summer is there’s no need to acclimate. It’s usually just as hot outside as it is inside the studio!

Happy, healthy yoga everyone!


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I’ve been going to Prana Power Yoga in Union Square for a little over a year now. I probably frequent it more than any other studio- it has a convenient location and schedule, it offers a consistent (though often predictable) class, and the classes usually attract a decent sized crowd. Tonight I went to Julia’s 7:30- she’s been appearing on the schedule more and more these days and I’m beginning to enjoy her class more and more.

Tonight she posed a real challenge- . As experienced yogis, it isn’t uncommon that we begin to anticipate the next pose. Very much a reflection of how we spend our daily lives, we begin to act on the impulse of moving quickly through our chores, our “have tos.” Yoga is certainly not a “have to” but a “want to.” However it challenges us just the same. The difference in yoga is this: the goal is not to juggle a million disparate tasks or get through an assignment quickly- rather, yoga’s challenge is to simply stop. We hear it often but we rarely are able to accomplish it -live in the present moment and accept what we’re doing here and now.

What made class different from others she’s led was that she had us hold each individual pose for far longer (seriously longer) than her usual sequence demanded. Without the usual measurement of a few breaths per pose – I was unable to think about what came next. Instead I tried my best to settle in, breathe, and oh yes, smile (despite my trembling legs).

Needless to say I left feeling like Jell-O, but it was oh so good.

I appreciated this class after a long Monday back in front of the computer because it made me feel a level of intensity that made me let go of my thoughts (the usual, what am I gonna eat for dinner after class)

Simply said- to feel the intensity of the postures is perhaps uncomfortable, but still wonderful- because you are feeling!

Note: Prana Power Yoga leads vinyasa yoga in a heated room (generally 95F)- a great workout- crunches in every class. Classes are generally more or less the same routine- never without eagle or pigeon and some serious sweating-that’s for sure!


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